Through the joint initiative of the CODE, Ghana Book Trust and the Ghana Library Authority, a mobile library van stocked with over 4,000 books and five computers was launched in July 2013. The mobile library service travels around the districts of the Ashanti Region and services over 45 communities, which do not have their own libraries.
The mobile library service visits selected central locations for a few days at a time, making books and computers with internet access available to the surrounding communities, and runs reading promotion activities as well as ICT training for youth and adults alike.
Since 2019, the mobile library van is stocked with 25 computers and 65 tablets loaded with 300 stories each from Worldreader. The mobile library van is currently stocked with up to 6,000 children and adult books. The mobile library van has solar panels installed on the van and is therefore able to provide practical lessons on computers and tablets for the students without having to rely on a source of electricity.
The solar panels were donated by GIFEC. This is particularly important as these children write compulsory examinations in ICT. But for the mobile library van service these students would have no practical experience of computers. The mobile library van visits the GBT project schools 3 times a year.
The facilitators on the mobile library van run spelling bees, word drills and other literacy-based games for the children while teaching them how to care for books and make choices of books to read.