The Burt Award has been implemented in Ghana since 2010. The winners of the Award are listed below.
2018 Burt Award Ghana
One Prize was given per the new Burt Award Rules
The Right to Play by Asare Adei, published by Asdan Vision Books
2017 Burt Award Ghana
1st Prize – My Nightmare by Agnes Gyening-Asiedu, published by Sub-Saharan Publishers.
Runner-up – To Kiss a Girl by Ruby Yayra Goka, published by Digibooks Ghana Ltd.
Runner-up – The Lion’s Whisper by Elizabeth-Irene Goka, published by Kwadwoan Publishing.
Runner-up – Ebony Girl by Vera Akumiah.
There was no Burt Award in 2016, this was the transitioning period to the BAAYAL
2015 Burt Award Ghana
1st Prize – The Step-Monster by Ruby Yayra Goka, published by Digibooks Ghana Ltd.
2nd Prize – Rattling in the Closet by Elizabeth-Irene Baitie, published by Kwadwoan Publishing
3rd Prize – Red Spectacles Knows by Nii Kpani Addy, published by Literamed Publications (Gh.) Ltd.
2014 Burt Award Ghana
2nd Prize – Plain Yellow by Ruby Yayra Goka, published by Techmate Publishers Ltd.
2nd Prize – Lightning by David Kwame Kwakye, published by Step Publishers
3rd Prize – Witches of Honour by Asare Adei, published by Asdan Vision Books
2013 Burt Award Ghana
1st Prize – Perfectly Imperfect by Ruby Yayra Goka, published by Techmate Publishers Ltd.
2nd Prize – Ossie’s Dream by Nana Yaa Amankwa, published by Step Publishers.
3rd Prize – The Boy Who Spat in Sargrenti’s Eye, by Manu Herbstein published by Techmate Publishers Ltd.
2012 Burt Award Ghana
1st Prize – The Dorm Challenge by Elizabeth-Irene Baitie published by Kwadwoan Publishing.
2nd Prize – When the Shackles Fall by Ruby Yayra Goka published by Techmate Publishers Ltd.
3rd Prize – Escape from Paradise by Nii Kpani Addy published by Literamed Publications Gh.
2011 Burt Award Ghana
1st prize – The Kaya-Girl by Mamle Wolo and published by Techmate Publishers Ltd.
2nd prize – The Lost Royal Treasure by Ruby Yayra Goka and published by Kwadwoan Publishing.
3rd prize – Akosua and Osman by Manu Herbstein and published by Techmate Publishing Ltd.
2010 Burt Awards Ghana
1st prize – The Twelfth Heart by Elizabeth-Irene Baitie and published by Kwadwoan Publishing.
2nd prize – The Deliverer by Kwabena Ankomah-Kwakye and published by Sub-Saharan Publishers.
3rd prize – The Mystery of the Haunted House by Ruby Yayra Goka and published by Sub-Saharan Publishers.
The Burt Award Programme was brought to a close in all the African countries in March 2019.